Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2202 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER BRIDGE SCREWS FOR 9-TUBE MSRP: Now: $2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-0580 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER DRIVE GEAR ROD CHIME MSRP: Now: $42.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-0526 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER GEAR ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $40.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-0561 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER GEAR DRIVE ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $68.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2171 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER PIN (BRASS) MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2165 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER PIN (STEEL) MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2166 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER SELF ADJUSTING PIN (STEEL) MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2252 HERSCHEDE CYLINDER SHIFT LEVER STUD MSRP: Now: $17.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22114 HERSCHEDE DIAL MOUNTING POST FOR 9-TUBE MSRP: Now: $15.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2605 HERSCHEDE DIAL POST ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $15.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-0536 HERSCHEDE DIAL POST ASSEMBLY FOR MOVEMENT 120 MSRP: Now: $12.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2429 HERSCHEDE DIAL POST BUSHING SCREW GOLD MSRP: Now: $2.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2027 HERSCHEDE DIAL POST KNOB AND HAMMER BAR SPRING SCREW MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2461 HERSCHEDE DIAL SCREW ROUND HEAD SILVER PLATED MSRP: Now: $3.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22668 HERSCHEDE DOUBLE LEVER ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $43.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-2301 HERSCHEDE DOUBLE LEVER SPRING MSRP: Now: $3.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-0601 HERSCHEDE DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $45.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-1346 HERSCHEDE ESCAPE SHAFT ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $28.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22083 HERSCHEDE ESCAPE WHEEL FOR 3 WEIGHT TUBULAR MOVEMENTS MSRP: Now: $40.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22620 HERSCHEDE ESCAPE WHEEL SHAFT FOR 3 WEIGHT TUBULAR MOVEMENTS MSRP: Now: $12.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22115 HERSCHEDE FLAT HEAD SCREW FOR DIAL ASSEMBLY MSRP: Now: $2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22106 HERSCHEDE GATHERING PALLET (STRIKE) MSRP: Now: $34.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER22109 HERSCHEDE GATHERING PALLET OFFSET (CHIME) MSRP: Now: $34.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-0569 HERSCHEDE GENIUNE PENDULUM SPRING SHAFT ASSEMBLY SAME AS HER-2675 MSRP: Now: $11.25 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Herschede sku: HER-GLASS4 HERSCHEDE GLASS BLACK CIRCLE GOLD CORNERS MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER BRIDGE SCREWS FOR 9-TUBE Cylinder bridge screw fits Herschede 3 Weight 9-Tube Tubular Bell Movements. Requires 4. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER DRIVE GEAR ROD CHIME Cylinder drive gear rod chime fits Herschede 5 Tubular Bell Electric Movement 120. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $42.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER GEAR ASSEMBLY Cylinder gear assembly fits Herschede 5 Tubular Bell Electric Movement 120. Requires 2. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $40.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER GEAR DRIVE ASSEMBLY Cylinder gear drive assembly fits Herschede 5 Tubular Bell Electric Movement 120. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $68.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER GEAR SCREW ASSEMBLY FOR TUBULAR BELL MOVEMENT Cylinder gear screw assembly fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $53.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER PIN (BRASS) Cylinder pin (brass) fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER PIN (STEEL) Cylinder pin (steel) fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Requires 9T 90 pins. Requires 5T 20 pins. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch... MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER SELF ADJUSTING PIN (STEEL) Cylinder self adjusting pin (steel) fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE CYLINDER SHIFT LEVER STUD Cylinder shift lever stud fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $17.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL KNOB ASSEMBLY Dial knob assembly fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Requires 4. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL MOUNTING POST FOR 9-TUBE Dial mounting post fits Herschede 3 Weight 9-TUBE Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $15.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL POST ASSEMBLY Dial post assembly fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Requires 4. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $15.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL POST ASSEMBLY FOR MOVEMENT 120 Dial post assembly fits Herschede 5 Tubular Bell Electric Movement 120. Requires 4. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $12.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL POST BUSHING SCREW GOLD Gold plated dial post bushing screw fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movement. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $2.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL POST KNOB AND HAMMER BAR SPRING SCREW Dial post knob screw and hammer bar spring screw fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement... MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DIAL SCREW ROUND HEAD SILVER PLATED Dial screw round head silver plated fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movement. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $3.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DOUBLE END KEY Herschede double end brass key. Key is stamped "Herschede" No. 6 (3.5mm) large end and 000 (1.75mm) small end. WARNING: This product may contain lead and lead is on the California... MSRP: Now: $5.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DOUBLE LEVER ASSEMBLY Double lever assembly fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $43.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DOUBLE LEVER SPRING Double lever spring fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $3.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY Drive wheel assembly fits Herschede 5 Tubular Bell Electric Movement 120. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $45.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE ESCAPE SHAFT ASSEMBLY Escape shaft assembly fits Herschede 1200 Series Chain Wound Movement. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $28.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE ESCAPE WHEEL FOR 3 WEIGHT TUBULAR MOVEMENTS Escape wheel fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. 4 spokes, 1.040" diameter (inside to inside, does not include the teeth). 30 Teeth... MSRP: Now: $40.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE ESCAPE WHEEL SHAFT FOR 3 WEIGHT TUBULAR MOVEMENTS HER22620 Escape wheel shaft fits the HER22083 Escape Wheel which when assembled results in a HER22618 part. The HER22618 is for the Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually... MSRP: Now: $12.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE FAN WING SCREW Fan wing screw fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Requires 2. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $1.75 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE FLAT HEAD SCREW FOR DIAL ASSEMBLY Flat head screw for dial assembly fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE FORK BANKING PIN Fork banking pin fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movement. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. MSRP: Now: $17.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE GATHERING PALLET (STRIKE) Gathering pallet (strike) fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. The gathering... MSRP: Now: $34.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE GATHERING PALLET OFFSET (CHIME) Gathering pallet offset (chime) fits Herschede 3 Weight Tubular Bell Movements. Sold individually. Pictures are not actual size. Refer to Herschede-Jauch reference for movement drawings. The... MSRP: Now: $34.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE GENIUNE PENDULUM SPRING SHAFT ASSEMBLY SAME AS HER-2675 Geniune (not a reproduction) pendulum spring shaft assembly fits Herschede 5 Tubular Bell Electric Movement 120. Pictures are not actual size. SAME AS HER-2675. Refer to Herschede-Jauch... MSRP: Now: $11.25 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view HERSCHEDE GLASS BLACK CIRCLE GOLD CORNERS Heavy flat glass with black circle and gold corners. Glass Size: 10 3/8"L x 10"W. Inside Circle Diameter: 8 3/16". MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Compare